Winter OLT

Outdoor Leadership Training

About This Trek...

A three-day trip for the senior class to Camp Mohican in the Delaware Water Gap, this expedition teaches students winter trekking skills and prepares them for the Senior Rite of Passage. 

Core Values

Outdoor Adventures

Trekkers camp in a cabin and participate in snowshoeing, fire building, and activities related to the proper use of winter camping gear and equipment. 

Leadership Training & Team-Building

Students learn necessary skills to be able to camp alone during the Senior Rite of Passage and engage in group discussions and journaling related to life after high school.

Environmental Awareness 

Students learn weather patterns and leave no trace principles as they apply to winter outdoor adventures and survival.


Day 1
  • Hike at Camp Mohican
  • Evening discussion
  • Journaling
Day 2
  • Team-building activities
  • Winter skills training
  • Snowshoeing 
Day 3
  • Debrief


From Our Blog...

UrbanTrekker 2011 Winter OLT

Jan 20, 2011
“Mr. C, I’m not afraid of heights anymore!” exclaimed Shanice. She had just finished climbing off the vertical tower that is the high point for the Ironwood Outdoor Center high ropes challenge course. Shanice was one of eight seniors from the...